On 14-15 November 2019, Dov Jacobs and Mikkel Jarle Christensen co-organised a major conference celebrating the 21 years of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
The conference, aimed at providing different perspectives than those that had been put forward at various conferences held for the 20 year anniversary the year before, brought together a select group of scholars and practioners to discuss the current practice of the ICC, and its difficulties.
More particularly, the conference adressed the impact of the ICC in a number of situation countries (Colombia, Central African Republic or Ukraine), discussed the role of the Defense in the Court, and proposed some broader perspectives on the nature and impact of the institution. The participants also heard presentations on the interaction of journalists with the Court and the role of the judges.
Dov Jacobs, in addition to some keynote remarks on the way that the ICC and its supporters failed to accept outside criticism, presented a paper on the position of the Defence on the periphery of the organisation.
The organisers aim to continue this necessary critical discussion on the nature and activities of the Court in an upcoming publication.